Dear Sir or Madam,
You know the company Rolf Schlicht GmbH as a reliable business partner with the expertise of 60 years in the cable, rubber and plastics industry.
As already communicated last, the exclusive purchase of the machines „RS POWDERTECH & RS MULTICUT“
about our company is questioned by one of our suppliers.
You may also already have been contacted directly.
For this we are giving the following statement:
The description that ROLF SCHLICHT GmbH is acting or acted as a “distribution partner” for the product lines „RS POWDERTECH & RS MULTICUT“, is wrong.
It is correct that the protected branded products are produced on behalf of ROLF SCHLICHT GmbH as a manufacturer of suppliers. Unfortunately, the exclusive production of the machines for ROLF SCHLICHT GmbH is currently being called into question. You may also have been contacted directly.
This is to inform you that we generally are not afraid of any kind of competition. We would like to face this competition because we are convinced of the quality of our products.
In any case, we will ensure that our customers receive high quality, reliability and ontime delivery. In this context, we are pleased to inform you that in order to secure our production, we were able to engage Mr. Deckert as the founder of DCM Deckert Maschinenbau GmbH with his experienced team. You also recognize that we do not question the tried and tested in high quality.
Powdering machines of the brand „RS POWDERTECH“ and machines for cutting of various materials and profiles in the extrusion sequence of the brand
„RS MULTICUT“ will continue to be available only through ROLF SCHLICHT GmbH. We will ensure that our customers receive high quality, reliability and on-time delivery.
Also in the next few years you can rely on a stable and constructive business relationship with ROLF SCHLICHT GmbH and count on our expertise of 60 years in the cable, rubber and plastics industry.
Of course, we are personally available for your questions.
Lars.Bochmann@Schlicht-GmbH.de Heiko.Heynen@Schlicht-GmbH.de
Telefon: +49 4533 6063-100
L. Bochmann H. Heynen
(Managing Director (Managing Director)
Background information about brands and companies:
ROLF SCHLICHT GmbH – Quality & Competence since 1959
For 60 years ROLF SCHLICHT GmbH has been developing, manufacturing and selling machines for the rubber, plastics and cable industry.
With our machines and our commercial agencies, we are your long-standing, competent partner for powdering and cutting solutions, as well as machines and equipment along the entire production chain.
In 1983, ROLF SCHLICHT GmbH launched the “Talkator”, the first automated, dust-free solution for powdering profiles and cables with a wide range of powders by the founder, Rolf Schlicht, under the „RS POWDERTECH“ brand. Starting with the “Talkator”, going on with “RS 80” we today achieved the youngest (but certainly not last) machine generation, which is the RSC model (ROLF SCHLICHT Coating RSC XXX-2E to 4E and RSC XXX-2N to 4N).
Under the brand „RS MULTICUT“ develops, manufactures and sells ROLF SCHLICHT GmbH together with various partners machines for cutting of a wide range of materials and profiles in the extrusion sequence as well as peripheral equipment required for this purpose. (MC, OC, CC, TEM, TGM, TGT, RS NM guillotine and circular knives, caterpillars series RB and discharge systems).
60 years of experience in the market, excellent contacts in the industry and close, trusting cooperation with our customers and our agents in different countries have contributed to the continuous improvement of our products.
Since 2018 we also offer again our own on-site service for commissioning, maintenance and repair of our machines. (we only worked with external partners before)