Dear customers,
We also take the current situation around the corona virus very seriously, a topic which affects all of us. We monitor the daily developments and will do our best to offer you the usual service and to send all orders as quickly as possible.
We have taken appropriate measures to protect our employees from the corona virus and to slow it down.
As usual, you can reach all ROLF SCHLICHT colleagues by the well-known phone and e-mail contacts.
At our logistics location there are rules to prevent infection. So we can ensure that our employees are protected in the best possible way and at the same time guarantee that your order is processed quickly.
Please understand that there may be delays in delivery in the coming days or weeks due to further serious developments on the subject of corona.
In this case we will of course inform you as soon as possible.
We thank you for your confidence.
Your team at ROLF SCHLICHT GmbH